How to Import Products & Product Stock in Odoo ERP
Data is a primitive term of every ERP or business software. Odoo ERP is a well known ERP application in the world. It comes with a set of solutions that helps business in all manners like CRM, Sales, Purchases, HR, Manufacturing, Accounting, Inventory, etc..
A lot of people are asking about dumbing their existing local system and switching to Odoo ERP for their operation improvements and quality. In this case, People are always looking to IMPORT their existing master data like products, stock on hand value, Customers, etc..
Here I am explaining how the import data operations can be done with Odoo ERP. We know PRODUCTS and CUSTOMER master is primitive data and STOCK ON HAND or STOCK QUANTITY is the related data of the products. So, I can explain its import operations step by step for better understandings.
Customer Data Import:
1 — Prepare an XLS/CSV sheet with data or Export from an existing system (If you have)
2- Go to CUSTOMER tree view in Odoo ERP
3 Click Import button & check the import file is valid or not by clicking “Test Import”
4 — If everything is valid, Click Import Button again.! CUSTOMER Data Imported successfully!!!
Let us go through its working screenshots:-
In the above sheet, I just included the basic data about the customer. if you want to import more data to the customer data, You can add it. But the thing is, first you have to check the corresponding filed is there in Odoo ERP customer table. Else, you have to add that field first into your Odoo ERP and then only you can import it.
When you add your import XLS sheet to Odoo ERP, System will automatically catch the appropriate fields and if the system fails to catch it automatically, You can map its field by clicking the top column as above.
After successful importing the customer data, it will be shown in view with imported data.
It is done.!!
Product Data Import:
Now, let's see how the product master is imported to the Odoo ERP system with the same steps that we already did in the case of customer import.
1 — Prepare an XLS/CSV sheet with product data or Export from an existing system (If you have)
2 — Go to PRODUCT tree view in Odoo ERP
3 — Click Import button & check the import file is valid or not by clicking “Test Import”
4 — If everything is valid, Click Import Button again.! PRODUCT Data Imported successfully!!!
Let us go through its working screenshots:-
Product Qty On Hand / Stock Quantity Import:
In the above screenshot (7 — IMG), We can see the product stock quantity is zero because we imported products only. If we have the stock quantity, We need to follow a procedure.
1 — Prepare an XLS/CSV sheet with the product, quantity, and locations id, etc..
2 — Go to INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS tree view in Odoo ERP (Go To Inventory Menu > Operations >Inventory Adjustments)
3 — Click Import button & check the import file is valid or not by clicking “Test Import”
4 — If everything is valid, Click Import Button again.! INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS Data Imported successfully!!!
Note that it will be created as in the draft stage, You have to click the “Start Inventory” button and validate it after crosschecking.
Let us go through its working screenshots:-
Note that Inventory Location ID will get from its form view URL of Locations. (If location is enabled in your Odoo Inventory settings)
This is the method of data import into Odoo. Odoo’s such import facility emphasis migration of data from the old system to the new Odoo ERPs system.
If you have any queries or reviews on this, Don't hesitate to share it with me.
Thank you for reading!
— — — Nilmar Shereef